Monday, July 23, 2012

Come to Alaska and see a thing or two

Hi, I should've mentioned this earlier, I'm in an exhibition in Alaska!
Which means I'm going to Alaska!
Which means you should come to Alaska too!
Nope, not Alaska the largest state in America, even better, I'm talking about Alaska the art gallery in Sydney!
You might not have heard of Alaska. It's only a year old. The gallery's been converted out of an old mechanics office in some forgotten underground car park in the heart of Kings Cross.

Oh and hey, click on this sentence to see my little bio on the Alaska website.

Thursday, July 12, 2012


Acrylic on paper
21 x 29.5cm

Sunday, July 01, 2012

Ten-neth Kenneths

  Kenneth the Menneth
1. Kenneth Faried
2. Kenneth Newkirk
3. Kenneth Parcell
4. Kenneth Goldsmith
5. Kenneth More
6. Kenneth, Florida
7. Kenneth Jackson
8. Kwenneth Paltrow
9. Kenneth Boyd
10. Kenneth Branagh

(All from Google images)